Room Temperature Ferroelastic Creep Behavior of Porous LSCF
Room Temperature Ferroelastic Creep Behavior of Porous LSCF
The time-dependent deformation of porous (La0.6Sr0.4)0.95Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ (LSCF) under constant uniaxial compressive stress at room temperature has been studied. Both axial and lateral stress–strain deformation curves clearly show the non-linear ferroelastic behavior of LSCF perovskite during compression. The ferroelastic characteristics of deformation curves such as coercive stress and apparent loading moduli decrease when the porosity of the samples increases. Ferroelastic creep deformations at applied stresses of 25 and 50 MPa demonstrate that stress and porosity are influencing factors on creep deformation, which increases with increasing stress and porosity. A negative creep or axial expansion and lateral contraction were observed in the sample with 35% porosity under 50-MPa constant compression stress.
Figure 3. Comparison of axial and lateral stress–strain curves of samples with different porosity and maximum stresses of (a) 25 MPa and (b) 50 MPa.
Figure 7. (a) Axial and (b) lateral creep deformations of LSCF-P20 sample for 3 h under 50-MPa maximum stress superimposed with temperature measurement during the experiment.
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